LETT DO basic usage
LETT DO usage is free of charge for all users and experts.
LETT DO ADS program
LETT DO ADS is a new support program for experts registered with LETT DO. It allows experts to advertise their services published on the LETT DO website through Facebook Ads to reach millions of potential clients and get new lead.
LETT DO ADS program is conducted in the following steps:
A contract to conduct paid advertising activities must be signed between experts and LETT DO.
Expert transfers desired budget to LETT DO account.
LETT DO takes 5% commission on provided budget.
LETT DO takes responsibility for the preparation, launch, management and effectiveness of advertising campaigns in Facebook Ads (INST & FB).
LETT DO provides bonus of 500 NIS 7-day trial fully compensated by LETT DO.
After the 7-day trial expert will receive an evaluation of the results, as well as a media plan with recommendations.
Experts instruct LETT DO how much of their budget should be used.
Experts are committed to transfer a minimum monthly desired budget to LETT DO account as long as the signed contract is valid.
Experts are eligible to stop LETT DO advertising activities and request a refund. Remaining funds will be returned to the bank account specified in the contract between expert and LETT DO immediately and no longer than 7 days.
In order to join LETT DO ADS program you can contact us